Bring Your Vision to
ARC Through Voting

Your vote at ARC sparks community-led evolution. Our governance system empowers you with simple polls and surveys, ensuring your voice guides our ecosystem’s growth. Together, we shape ARC’s path.
AI models built for you
July 19, 2023. $ARC Community Poll
As we gear up for an exciting website update, we need your input! Cast your vote now to influence our decision!
ARC Announces Product and Community Roadmap Update for Q4 2023 to Q4 2024
Which #keyfeature of the $ARC #SwapsAI are you most excited about?
Utility Score - Quickly access token insights...

Lead Change
with Your Vote

Archimedes AI: ARC’s Shield in Crypto Security

Influence ARC’s future by joining us today. Your vote is a powerful tool for innovation and progress. Be part of our upcoming decisions and help shape a dynamic future. Join ARC and add your voice to our collective journey.

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$ARC on OTSea

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Lead Decisions

Your staked $ARC tokens give you a role in our decision-making. Influence our ecosystem’s growth and innovation. Stake your $ARC and play a pivotal role in our success.